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In the 11-plus years, I've been working with past life regression clients, I noticed how the frequency used to speak to souls on the other side was adjusting during regressions, and souls from those lives wanted to come forth to speak to the client I was working with. It felt like a regression and a quantum hypnosis therapy session. The energy was a powerhouse of knowledge and communication. These souls TRULY wanted to help the soul I was assisting, gain insight into a past life they were having issues getting over, or simply wanted to provide knowledge never fully understood in the current life setting. 


I decided to bring this session to full availability for those wanting answers to why they do certain things and how these lives helped them become who they are now in this life. Not only that, I was shown great knowledge of the astrological placement of each life and how it came together like puzzle pieces. Pieces of energy vibration that embeds into the soul's growth of learning from each life. So, I offer this session to those who truly want to go on a DEEP past life journey of discovery and transformation! 


Past lives have helped unlock trauma, explain anxiety, and even given context to a disease a client is living with today. I will gain access to your Akasha Soul Life Book from the records area of Heaven where I will obtain important information about your Past Lives. 


(This session is for one hour with Moon. If more time is desired, you may discuss that request with Moon during your session.) 


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